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Why I write "SBS"

To Quote Jessica Rabbit, "What can I say? He makes me laugh."
How do I decide what to post? Quite simply, if it makes me laugh so hard that I snort, it goes on the blog...Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

SBS #92: Jurassic Back Ribs

If we ever figure out how to clone dinosaurs, we should roast them up to see if they make good barbecue. Mmmm, slow roasted dino!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

SBS #91: La La La La La La La La La La La

Me: No, Brian. You can't do that.
Brian: Fine, I'll just go smurf off then!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

SBS #89: What do sexy librarians wear?

Me: Suzanne gave me some pencil skirts today.

Brian: Are the #2 pencil skirts?

Me: No, but they are second-hand.

Brian: Oh, well that counts.

Friday, February 24, 2012

SBS #88 - Maybe she was looking for toilet paper...

Brian: What is the cat looking at?
Me: The ceiling. I think cats can see things we can't. They are very smart, ya know?
Brian: How smart can she be? She uses her tongue as toilet paper!
Me: Well, you do have a point.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

SBS #87 - The difference between boobs and breasts...

Brian: We are planning on boob-feeding when we have kids, right?
Me: It's called breast-feeding Brian, not boob feeding. You big boob!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Stuff Brian Wears #7: Everything is better with bacon...

even cold weather :-)

SBS #86 - The first thing Brian said to me this morning...

Brian: Your cat pees like a fat guy at a football game.
Me: Um, would you care to explain that one?
Brian: You know, like a football fan who drinks a lot of beer while watching the game but doesn't want to miss anything so he just holds his bladder until the end of the game.
Me: Ah, I see. So, who is her favorite team?
Brian: We she kinda resembles a little bear so I am going to go with Chicago.

SBS #85 - Oh, please don't name it!!!

While observing the growing mountain of tissue in the trash can resulting from my terrible cold:
Me: Don't touch those. I'll clean it up. Wouldn't want you to get cooties.
Brian: I'm not worried about touching it. I'm worried about naming it! How about Mt. Snotrag!?

SBS#84 - Where for art thou spicy pepper girl...

Brian: Honey, you are like a jalapeno popper. All golden and beautiful on the outside and all hot and spicy on the inside.
Heather: That's romantic honey but you've got nothing on Shakespeare.
Brian: Well, he has never had a jalapeno popper.