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Why I write "SBS"

To Quote Jessica Rabbit, "What can I say? He makes me laugh."
How do I decide what to post? Quite simply, if it makes me laugh so hard that I snort, it goes on the blog...Enjoy!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Stuff Brian Wears #7: Everything is better with bacon...

even cold weather :-)

SBS #86 - The first thing Brian said to me this morning...

Brian: Your cat pees like a fat guy at a football game.
Me: Um, would you care to explain that one?
Brian: You know, like a football fan who drinks a lot of beer while watching the game but doesn't want to miss anything so he just holds his bladder until the end of the game.
Me: Ah, I see. So, who is her favorite team?
Brian: We she kinda resembles a little bear so I am going to go with Chicago.

SBS #85 - Oh, please don't name it!!!

While observing the growing mountain of tissue in the trash can resulting from my terrible cold:
Me: Don't touch those. I'll clean it up. Wouldn't want you to get cooties.
Brian: I'm not worried about touching it. I'm worried about naming it! How about Mt. Snotrag!?

SBS#84 - Where for art thou spicy pepper girl...

Brian: Honey, you are like a jalapeno popper. All golden and beautiful on the outside and all hot and spicy on the inside.
Heather: That's romantic honey but you've got nothing on Shakespeare.
Brian: Well, he has never had a jalapeno popper.