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Why I write "SBS"

To Quote Jessica Rabbit, "What can I say? He makes me laugh."
How do I decide what to post? Quite simply, if it makes me laugh so hard that I snort, it goes on the blog...Enjoy!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Stuff Brian Does #6 - The real reason Brian was "craving" Cinnamon Toast Crunch...

Yup! The cardboard Batman costume on the box. Folks, he is a perpetual child, LOL!

Friday, November 4, 2011

#83 - Why Brian will never become a theater director...

Me: I bought tickets for the Kennedy Center on New Years Eve.
Brian: Cool! What are we seeing?
Me: Billy Elliot. It's a play about ballet.
Brian: Hmmm, dancing girls could be cool.
Me: Um, it's about a boy who become a ballet dancer.
Brian: Crap! Will there be any explosions?
Me: I doubt it.
Brian: How about bug-eyed monsters?
Me: Probably Not
Brian: Zombies?
Me: Highly unlikely
Brian: They gotta at least have killer robots or something!
Me: I think Sweeny Todd ruined the theater for you (sigh)